Nature Ecotherapy

Dated: 24 February 2022


At Back to Nature Ecotherapy, we harness the healing power of the natural environment to help people of all ages find clarity, step into their power, and create a life of purpose. Our immersive sessions last for 2.5 hours and offer a wide range of nature-based activities that are tailored to each client’s goals. Our expert counsellors use the natural environment to help our clients gain insights and perspectives that are difficult to achieve in an office or therapy room.

Through a wide range of nature-based activities, our clients gain a greater sense of connection to themselves, others, and the natural world. They learn to trust their intuition, discover new strengths, and let go of limiting beliefs that have been holding them back. Our approach has helped many people overcome anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges, as well as providing a sense of purpose and direction for those looking to make positive changes in their lives.